This is very visual as hair outside your scalp is dead. Hair has no blood, nerves or muscles. If you cut your hair, you feel no pain; nor does hair bleed or pull a muscle when stretched. So in this respect, you could say your ‘hair is dead’. However, for a ‘dead’ fibre, your hair is quite remarkable! A healthy hair will stretch up to 30% of its length, can absorb its weight in water and can also swell up to 20% of its diameter. Not only that, but the strength of hair is greater than that of copper wire of the same diameter; an average head of hair can in fact support 23 tons in weight. You can change your hair’s colour shape, hairstyle, length, curl; we wash our hair, brush and set our hair, pull it, play with it, occasionally chew on it, rub it, straighten it, all to an extraordinary degree. And yet, despite all of this flagrant abuse, our hair remains amazingly resilient and tough.

Each follicle, within the anatomy of the skin an indentation in your skin that hair grows from, has its own blood, nerve and muscle supply. These nerves and muscles give your hair its tactile properties, allowing the slightest movement to be felt. When the muscles contract, your hair stands up more and pinches the skin, causing ‘goose bumps’. You inherit this characteristic from animals – the bristling quills of a petrified porcupine are an exaggerated example.

Furthermore, your hair is the second fastest growing cell in your body, bone marrow being the first. This means that your anatomy of hair is extremely sensitive to changes going on within you; it is often a result of internal problems and imbalances that hair loss and/or lacklustre hair can occur. Blood capillaries surrounding your follicle provide each individual hair with the nourishment needed for cell production and growth. Therefore, the hair anatomy if you aren’t getting the vitamins, proteins, complex carbohydrates (energy) and minerals you need, your hair will not receive them either and can suffer greatly. Hormonal fluctuations caused by pregnancy menstruation, stress and personal upsets also have a great impact on hair health and growth.
So, even though your hair itself is technically ‘dead’, the growth of your hair is closely intertwined with the inner workings of your body as well as your psychological and emotional state. What you do, feel, eat and experience all shape the way your hair looks, feels and grows.

For hair treatment  call for appointment  on 9004839333.Clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai. Treaments for skin and nails are also done.




Maintaining a healthy diet in summer is a concern for most individuals in the modern world.

The sun is shining and the mercury levels are soaring, you know the summer is here and there is no escape from it. It is a season where energy levels and appetite are low and a slightest activity causes the sweat to flow off your back and face. Life goes on and it is very necessary to cope with the heat to avoid the usual problems of dehydration, heatstroke and a feeling of lethargy. The best way to beat the heat is to eat the right food. Eating the right type of food makes the summer pleasant and enjoyable.

Here are some really cool summers foods that will help you beat the heat and keep you refreshed.


Water is an essential ingredient that keeps the body cool. With high humidity levels sweat does not evaporate easily, hence it is important to hydrate your body even when you are not thirsty. It is important to increase the intake of water regardless of your activity level.

Water is important to maintain healthy functions of body cells. It is essential to drink plenty of water to replenish losses due to excessive sweating dehydration etc.


Chilled soups are great appetizers to start your meals in summer. You can choose from the regular tomato or mixed vegetable soup or opt for chilled soups made from vegetables with a dash of mint or coriander to add a refreshing flavor. It is advisable to have soup as they hydrate you and fills you so you can eat less and have

Cooling drinks

In summer, cool drinks and juices like lime juice, jal jeera, kokam juice or buttermilk are good options to keep yourself cool. Coconut water is another option that is cooling and nourishing. They should be consumed in regular intervals to keep yourself hydrated.

great energy. Mint and coriander have cooling properties and it is recommended to add them to your soups.”


Like chilled soups, salads are a great way to start your meals in summer. Salads are quick to prepare and are quite healthy (unless you  load them with heavy dressings). Remember the more the number of fresh vegetables in the diet, the healthier you will be in summer. Salads are healthy and easy to digest in summer.


You can stock your refrigerator with a wide variety of summer vegetables like onions, brinjal, bottle gourd, celery, tomatoes and cucumber as they are very nutritious and low in calories.

Fresh Fruits

It is important to minimize the intake of dried fruits and increase the intake of fresh foods. Fresh fruits are nutritious and refreshing.  Many seasonal fruits like mangoes, litchi, water melons, strawberry and jamuns are available in summer. These fruits are juicy and can be had as snacks to beat the heat.

Cook  vegetable with curd or tomatoes

Most Indian foods are made in the form of gravies .It is important to save your rich gravies made from coconut, cashew nuts and poppy  seeds (khus khus) for when it is cooler. It is advised that in summers you have light gravies made from tomatoes, or curd as they are easy to digest. Adding cumin seeds (jeera) and coriander will make the gravies more cooling and appealing.

It is advised that you avoid fried, spicy or salty food to avoid the discomforts of summer. It is also essential to cut down beverages such as colas, tea or coffee. Tea and coffee contain caffeine that leads to dehydration when had in excess amounts, hence it is essential to limit the consumption of tea and coffee to one or two cups in a day.


Curd is a great summer food as it has cooling properties. Curd can be had in various forms like raita, lassi, shrikhand, chass etc .It is recommended consuming curd in summers as it contains proteins in the pre digested form and is rich in vitamin B which helps to soothe allergies and ulcers that are common during hot season.It is important that that you choose your food wisely to beat the scorching heat of summer and to avoid being falling ill.

For more information and appointments call 9004839333.Clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai for all skin,hair and nail ailments.







Imagine if you wake up in the morning and first thing you see is a red mark on your face. It can be  inflammatory or non inflammatory or could be pimple or acne. Don’t panic, it can be cured if you bring some changes in your routine along with the on-going medication.

  1. Emergency Acne Kit

Foremost thing that needs to be done, is to get connected with your dermatologist. He/She will guide you about the role of some medications and their usage in day to day to life.

It is not only one thing that contributes to healthy skin and you. It is a combination of good habits which can help you lead a healthy life.

  1. Have a clear eating plan

ELIMINATE all high glycemic index foods whose numbers are above 70 such as refined products like pasta, white breads, biscuits, noodles, pizzas. Say “no” to fried cooking methods as well fried food items like chips, pakora(sounds very yummy, trust me its nutritional value is zero). Limit the intake of too much sugar and sugar sweetened beverages, they just add unwanted fat to your lifestyle , ultimately it can add bad effect to your skin in the form of acne, pimples , dull skin etc.

ADD low glycemic index so that it won’t spike your blood sugar fast. Add more of home cooked meals made up of whole grains , cereals like used more “atta plus fiber” based options like if you are still craving for bread, opt for multigrain. Try to choose healthy food ingredients.Include 2 to 3 servings of vegetables and fruits in your diet.

ADD Antioxidants like more of vitamin C, E,. Rich sources of vitamin C are oranges, amla, green chilies, broccoli, lemons, papaya, strawberries and some more green vegetables. Nuts, seeds , fish contain good amount of vitamin E.

ADD good fat in your diet – omega 3 fatty acids. They are present in seeds, nuts, various oils like olive oil and mustard oil.

Try to include low fat dairy products in diet. Probiotic curd  is a good option as it contains good bacteria which is healthy for your stomach that can help you with skin breakouts.

  1. Keep yourself hydrated

Keep sipping water throughout the day. It should not be more or less. The recommended level is 10 -12 glasses in a day. Fluids could be plain water or green tea.This will make your skin supple, clear and free of toxins.

For appointments call 9004839333.Visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai for all skin,hair and nail ailments.



Are you sick of people always telling you that you look exhausted. You get enough sleep and you drink lots of water but those dark circles still cause stares and make you look much older than you really are.

Dark circles is one of the major concerns for women seeking treatment for cosmetic reasons. 

What are the reasons for dark circles?

It’s a combination of heredity and genetics, fatigue and dehydration, but most likely the culprit causing chronic dark circles is excess skin pigmentation which happens because of ethnic variation for Indian population.

Sun exposure increases the chances of dark circles.

Also, dark circles are related to dilated blood vessels and aging – which causes skin to thin and can darken the area. Unfortunately, to erase them completely is not possible. However, you can minimize their effects by knowing their causes, finding good solutions and choosing the right products.

How to treat them?

1) Protection: Use an SPF 30 sunscreen daily. A moisturizer as a base and a concealer can also be used to cover up as a protective layer ( camouflage + protection)

2) Diet changes: If you have puffy eye bags along with dark circles then reducing salt intake can help in reducing the puffiness.

3) Don’t rub the eyes, as rubbing makes it darker

4) Use of eye brightening serums every night will help in reducing the lines around the eyes and eventually helps in fading the dark circles

5) A dermatologist’s consultation and under eye treatments available at the dermatologist clinic should be considered if everything else fails.

 For appointments call 9004839333.Clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.


Many people who have psoriasis also experience changes in their fingernails or toenails. There are several treatments that can help.Nail psoriasis is the term for the changes in your fingernails and toenails that occur as a result of having psoriasis. It is generally believed that up to half of all people who have psoriasis will have nail psoriasis as well. While it’s not a life-threatening condition, nail psoriasis can affect your quality of life, since it may cause you discomfort and affect your self-esteem, and it may also put you at greater risk of developing psoriatic arthritis. nail psoriasis can be helped with treatment.
How Psoriasis Affects the Nails
Nail psoriasis occurs because psoriasis affects the process of nail formation. People who have nail psoriasis usually have psoriasis on other parts of their body, such as the skin and joints. Rarely does someone have only psoriasis of the nails.
Symptoms of nail psoriasis vary but may include:

Discoloration of the nail to yellow brown
Pitting (holes) in the surface of the nails
Horizontal lines across the nails
White patches on the nails
Thickening of the nails
Nails that separate from the nail bed
Nail Psoriasis Treatment Options
Your treatment will depend on the type of nail psoriasis you have and how severe it is. If you have psoriasis that affects other parts of your body, their treatments will help  your nail psoriasis.

In addition to treatment for nail psoriasis, there are other ways to take care of your nails:

Keep your nails trimmed as short as possible.
Wear gloves when you’re working with your hands.
Wear shoes with plenty of room in them.
Avoid scrubbing or scraping underneath your nails.
Use gentle nail cleaning tools.
Soak your nails in tar bath oil mixed with water, then apply nail moisturizer.
If your nails are intact, consider using a nail hardener to improve their appearance.
Taking good care of your nails can minimize the effects of psoriasis associated nail changes.For appointments call 9004839333.linics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai


An allergy refers to an exaggerated reaction by the immune system in response to exposure to certain foreign substances. The response is exaggerated because these foreign substances are normally seen by the body as harmless in nonallergic individuals and do not cause a response in them. In allergic individuals, the body recognizes the foreign substance, and the allergic part of the immune system generates a response.

Allergy-producing substances are called “allergens.” Examples of allergens include pollens, dust mites, molds, animal proteins, foods, and medications. When an allergic individual comes in contact with an allergen the immune system mounts a response through the IgE antibody. People who are prone to allergies are said to be allergic or “atopic.

For allergy treatments and testing  call  9004839333.Clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.


What is Acne?

Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilo sebaceous follicles (i.e. Hair with oil producing glands attached to hair) characterized by comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), papules, pustules, nodules and ultimately leading to scars.

Who gets Acne?
Close to 100% of people between the ages of twelve and seventeen have at least an occasional whitehead, blackhead or pimple regardless of race or ethnicity. Acne starts between the ages of ten and fifteen years of age and usually lasts till twenty years of age; however, acne can persist into the late twenties or thirties or even beyond. Some people get acne for the first time as adults and this is known as adult acne.

What are the causes of Acne?

Bacteria: Bacteria that normally lives on the skin plays a role in acne development. The bacteria are known as propionibacterium acnes (p. acnes). The bacteria content can increase in people whose faces are not clean.
Hormones: During the teen years increased levels of sex hormones causes the oil glands of the skin to produce increased amount of oil. These excess skin oils tend to bind with cellular debris causing a blockage and producing a fertile environment for the bacteria to grow.
The bacteria causes inflammation, pus, swelling and redness. In adult acne, excessive hormones produced due to polycystic ovaries and other hormonal imbalances causing excess oil production and inflammation, which leads to acne.

What are the factors that precipitate or aggravate acne?
Stress- Stress is frequently implicated in aggravation of acne while acne itself induces stress.
Sweat- Sweating in a hot and humid environment causes deterioration in 15% of acne patients.
Menstruation- Pre menstrual flare of acne occurs in 70% of female acne patients.
Friction and pressure- Friction and pressure from helmets, backpacks and tight collars can induce blackheads and papules. Pressure from face massages or facials can aggravate acne.
Pregnancy- Pregnancy has an unpredictable effect on acne. Pre-existing acne may aggravate or remit during pregnancy.
Diet- High glycemic load foods (sugar loaded and starchy foods), oily foods may aggravate acne.
Drugs- Oral contraceptives, anti tuberculosis medication, oral steroids, anti depressants may aggravate acne.

It is advisable to visit a board certified dermatologist for treatment of acnes instead of over the counter treatment as the dermatologist treats the root cause of acne.For appointments call 9004839333 to our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra  in Mumbai


Vegetables are wonderful for maintaining healthy skin
10 reasons why you should include cucumber to your diet

Cucumbers are said to have the following benefits: potential antidiabetic, antioxidant activity, cleansing action of toxins and waste, soothing effect against skin irritation, and prevention of constipation. And here are 10 health benefits of cucumbers in more details.

  1. Help you stayhydrated

Cucumbers are 95.2 percent water, which means that a 5-ounce serving contains 4.8 ounces or 150 ml water. That’s already about 26 percent of your daily water intake through food.

  1. Support hearthealth

Cucumbers contain potassium (152mg per cup), which can help lower blood pressure. A review of the best studies conducted on potassium intake showed that a higher intake “is associated with lower rates of stroke and might also reduce the risk of total cardiovascular disease.”

  1. Protect your brain from neurological diseases

An anti-inflammatory substance called fisetin is present in cucumbers, as well as strawberries  and grapes

It has recently been suggested that fisetin plays an important role in brain health: It would have “the ability to reduce the impact of age-related neurological diseases on brain function,” and it would also help maintain cognitive function in people with Alzeimer’s disease.

  1. Protect your skin against the effects of aging

There is a reason why cucumbers are used in skin care: They have been shown to be effective as a potential anti-wrinkle agent in cosmetic products, protecting our skin form the effects of aging.

  1. Fightinflammationin the body and reduce the risk of Cancer.

Cucumbers can help lower the inflammatory response in the body. They contain polyphenols called lignans, which can potentially reduce the risk of certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

They also contain plant nutrients called cucurbitacins, which have anti-cancer properties: “Scientists have already determined that several different signaling pathways required for cancer cell development and survival can be blocked by activity of cucurbitacins.”

  1. RelievePain

Flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory substances, and tannins in cucumbers have both been shown to limit the release of free radicals in the body and to reduce pain.

As explained in the Journal of Young Pharmacists, “traditionally, this plant is used for headaches; the seeds are cooling and diuretic, the fruit juice is used as a nutritive and as a demulcent in anti-acne  lotions.”

  1. Reduce bad breath

Bad breath  is usually caused by bacteria in the mouth. Fiber and water-rich vegetables  like cucumbers can boost your mouth’s saliva production, which in turn helps wash away the bacteria that cause the odor in the mouth.

  1. Protect your bones

Cucumber are a good source of vitamin K: One cup contains 22 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K. This vitamin is essential for bone health, as low vitamin K intakes have been associated with a higher risk for bone fracture. Vitamin K is also important for improving calcium absorption in the bones

  1. Preventconstipation

Cucumbers are rich in water, and their skin contains insoluble fiber. Both water and fiber help food to move through the digestive tract quicker and more easily, helping prevent constipation.

  1. Maintain a healthyweight

Cucumbers are very low in calories (16 calories per cup) and they also contain fiber in the skin. And foods that contain fiber can help maintain a healthy weight

For appointments Call 9004839333.Clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra in Mumbai.



There are several different types of pimples and they have different signs and symptoms:

  • Whiteheads– also known as a closed comedo. These are very small and remain under the skin, appearing as a small, flesh-colored papules.
  • Blackheads– also known as an open comedo. These are clearly visible on the surface of the skin and are black or dark brown due to the oxidation of melanin, the skin’s pigment. Some people mistakenly believe they are caused by dirt, because of their color, and scrub their faces vigorously – this does not help and may irritate the skin and cause other problems.
  • Papules– these are small, solid, rounded bumps that rise from the skin. The bumps are often pink.
  • Pustules– these are pimples full of  They are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. The base is red and the pus is on the top.
  • Nodules– these are morphologically similar (similar structure) to papules, but larger. They can be painful and are embedded deep in the skin.
  • Cysts– these are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are filled with pus and are usually painful. Cysts commonly cause scars.

It is advisable to visit a dermatologist instead of taking over the counter medicines for pimples.For appointments call 9004839333 at our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra.


There are many different causes of fungal nail infections, and each cause has a treatment of its own. Although many of the causes of a fungal nail infection are preventable, some risk factors increase the likelihood of developing it. You’re more likely to develop a fungal nail infection if you:

  • have diabetes
  • have a disease that causes poor circulation
  • are over age 65
  • wear artificial nails
  • swim in a public swimming pool
  • have a nail injury
  • have a skin injury around the nail
  • have moist fingers or toes for an extended time
  • have a weakened immune system
  • wear closed-toe shoes, such as tennis shoes or boots

Nail infections occur more often in men than in women, and the infections are found in adults more often than in children. If you have family members who often get these types of fungal infections, you’re more likely to get them as well. Older adults are at the highest risk for getting fungal infections of the nails because they have poorer circulation and their nails grow more slowly and thicken as they age.

Visit our clinics at Malad,Juhu and Bandra for all skin,hair and nail ailments.Call 9004839333 for appointments.